skincare bootcamp series

Course List

Whether you are new to medical aesthetics or an experienced provider who has never had formal skin training, this series is for you! In order to treat the skin both safely and effectively, knowledge of skin histology and topical ingredients is key. Recommending and retailing skincare products is imperative for the best possible results and the financial health of any medical aesthetics practice. This bootcamp series will get you up to speed and more confidently treating your patients with a short investment of your time.

Skin histology

Learn about the different layers and specialized cells of the skin and how they contribute to common skin conditions like hyperpigmentation and aging. This is a great class for injectors new to skincare, providers with no formal skin training, or as a refresher for estheticians looking to take their understanding of skin to the next level! More Info

Analyzing skin types & conditions

In this dynamic, interactive class you will learn how to perform a detailed analysis of skin type and conditions. Take your knowledge of how the skin works on a cellular level and connect this to what we see on the surface, and how we can treat it. All levels of staff are welcome. Skin Histology is the suggested prerequisite. More Info

Basic cosmeceutical ingredients

Learn about the different layers and specialized cells of the skin and how they contribute to common skin conditions like hyperpigmentation and aging. This is a great class for injectors new to skincare, providers with no formal skin training, or as a refresher for estheticians looking to take their understanding of skin to the next level! More Info

Improves the appearance of:

  • Age spots (red/brown pigmentations)
  • Vascular lesions (spider veins)
  • Rosacea (redness)
  • Freckles
  • Sun Damage 

rock your retail: Mastering effective Consultations

Have you ever wondered how retinol works? Or why Vitamin C is beneficial for the skin? Maybe reading an ingredient label makes you dizzy? This class will break down common skincare ingredients, how they work, and how to read those labels. All levels of staff welcome. Skin Histology and Analyzing Skin Types and Conditions are the suggested prerequisites. More Info

Free Course

Strategies for Success in Medical Aesthetics

Get to know Alicia Jacobs Skin Strategies in this quick overview of the medical aesthetics industry. This course will help you understand the importance of the 4 pillars of success, including retailing skincare products, to keep you competitive in a growing field.

Deep dive courses

This series will take your understanding of specific skin conditions to the next level through exploration of the underlying causes of each condition; how it affects the skin on the surface and at the deeper cellular level; and most  importantly, what are the topical ingredients and modalities
for the best possible results! Recommended for more experienced estheticians, injectors or providers.

Skin on the surface at at a deeper cellular level.